Oproep: The Nature of Community

Deze oproep richt zich op jeugdwerkers en mensen die zichzelf zien als actoren voor culturele en sociale verandering. De informatie hieronder over de training staat in het Engels, de voertaal van deze cursus aangeboden via SALTO en ondersteund door Erasmus +. Deelname aan de training is gratis, na kandidaatstelling selecteert de organisatie de deelnemers voor deze training.

Training Course
21-30 November 2024 | Ecovillage Torri Superiore, Italy


The need for CONNECTION is basic for every being in the ecosystem. Meaningful connection is essential for every human being. Everything is what it is as a result of its relations with all other things. Dominant-materialistic-industrial culture destroyed connection of the people with their inner inherited wisdom, wild nature, spiritual world, emotions and imagination, dreams and visions and our place in more-than-human world.

The values of consumerism, conformity and industrial growth that rule today's Western society have proven to be toxic and destructive to the Big Web of Life of which humans are an integral part. By destroying ecosystems and using nature as a mere resource for personal profit, we are not only destroying the future of our children and grandchildren, but already negatively impacting many people’s lifes today.

Humanity needs an urgent change, to transform this world of deepening inequality, violence, addictions and continuing disconnection from nature (both external and internal), into one based on peace, equality, real freedom, and connection to ourselves, others and the rest of the natural world.

There is a need for people who, through their actions, demonstrate a life based on ecocentric values. People creating and affirming a life-enhancing culture, who inspire future generations of youth for psychological, spiritual and professional growth in harmony with nature. People laying the foundation for a future built on environmental justice, deep spirituality, compassion and acceptance.


The training will provide innovative ways and methods to address the developmental needs for belonging, meaningful connection, authenticity and purpose, and take steps towards personal transformation in a more wholesome and connected way. It will also aim at empowering the participants to offer these methods to the various groups and individuals they work with and become agents of visionary change within their communities.

  • To develop participant’s knowledge in nature-based human development by learning and practicing the principles and models of eco-centric development.

  • To develop new skills, competences and ideas in facilitating the development of meaningful connection and authentic relating.

  • To provide an opportunity to experience a space of safety, intimacy, and profound connection in which personal exploration is encouraged and supported by community.

  • To engage and guide participants through innovative processes of personal transformation.

  • To inspire in the participants a shift in values and worldviews that will foster empathy to all creatures and a sense of oneness with all human and non-humans.

  • To support participant’s connection to their sense of responsibility for the environment and Earth's future.


The mediaeval village of Torri Superiore is a small jewel of popular architecture located at the foothill of the Ligurian Alps, a few kilometres from the Mediterranean Sea and the French border, close to the coastal town of Ventimiglia. Originating in the thirteenth century, the village is structured in three main bodies with more than 160 rooms, all connected by an intricate fabric of stairways.

Its complex structure has often been compared to a fortress or a labyrinth, perched on the mountainside. The village has been entirely restored and is now open to ecotourism, for courses, meetings and programs of environmental education, and offers accommodation for stays and vacations. 

For its character of historical complex, unfortunately the ecovillage is not completely accessible. Please take this into account when planning your participation.

Jolan Huygens